Salem, MA 121909 These images were for a story on different volunteer jobs you can do for the holidays. I was sent to the Northeast Animal Shelter (978) 666 4376 in Salem, MA where I was touched by some of the stories taped to the cages of some of the animals. There was Jake, a seven-year old cat who was obviously very-well taken care of and very much used to attention, he was found in an empty apartment after his owners were put in a nursing home. In his cage there is a sign that reads, "I don't understand what happened. I miss my family." Then there were the two-year old cat siblings, Coco and Precious. According to shelter staff, their very distraught owner brought them in after his landlord introduced a $400 per-month pet fee. They told me he was now in the process of trying to buy a house so he can get back his beloved pets and that he was hoping they'd still be there when he returned. The rest of the animals were from over-crowded shelters in West Virginia which were rescued from certain euthanasia. (Essdras M Suarez/ Boston Globe)
Ipswich, MA 112609 Myopia Hunt Club closed-out its season with its annual Thanksgiving day hunt, featuring old English traditions that remain very real and serious to a small band of hunters who dress in colorful garb. Huntsman Richard Emmot gathered his hounds and riders at Appleton Farms in Ipswich.
Salem, MA 103109 According to the Salem Police Department, close to 100,000 people showed up on this Halloweeen night 2009 at this Massachussetts city of about 41,000 to celebrate Halloween. (Essdras M Suarez/ EMS Photography LLC 2009