Salem, MA 121909 These images were for a story on different volunteer jobs you can do for the holidays. I was sent to the Northeast Animal Shelter (978) 666 4376 in Salem, MA where I was touched by some of the stories taped to the cages of some of the animals. There was Jake, a seven-year old cat who was obviously very-well taken care of and very much used to attention, he was found in an empty apartment after his owners were put in a nursing home. In his cage there is a sign that reads, "I don't understand what happened. I miss my family." Then there were the two-year old cat siblings, Coco and Precious. According to shelter staff, their very distraught owner brought them in after his landlord introduced a $400 per-month pet fee. They told me he was now in the process of trying to buy a house so he can get back his beloved pets and that he was hoping they'd still be there when he returned. The rest of the animals were from over-crowded shelters in West Virginia which were rescued from certain euthanasia. (Essdras M Suarez/ Boston Globe)