Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Summer Fun

Framingham, MA 050510 While driving west bound on the Mass Pike saw this group of people jumping off a railroad line bridge on the opposite side of the highway. Luckily I had a 500mm lens with me and I was able to stand atop of the guard rail while hand holding it in order to make these images. (Essdras M Suarez/ EMS Photography 2010) BEHIND THE SCENES: On warm days I'm always on the lookout for weather features. I couldn't use this one because I had no way of getting to these kids without exiting the highway, figuring out how to get near an entrance of this pond/lake body of water and then walking out into this bridge. I had a softball game to cover so I just didn't have the time to go get IDs or anymore information for that matter. TECH STUFF: Lens 500, aperture 4.0, speed 1/2000th of a a second, WB sunny. Hand held the lens while precariously balancing on the turnpike's guard rail. (mind you I keep a fluorescent-color vest in my car just for occasions like this one.)