Boston, MA 041710 Despite the wet weather in the Boston metro area on April 17, 2010, a nine- year old Cocker Spaniel named Emily took her stuffed beaver went for a walk with her owner Renee Knilans (cq), of Beacon Hill, across from the Boston Common. According to Knilans, Emily has a bout 20 stuffed animals and every time she goes out on a walk she goes through her box and picks a stuffed toy out of her veritable arc of stuffed animals collection. (Essdras M Suarez/ Globe Staff)/ MET BEHIND THE SCENES: If you work for a paper you know if its hot its new, if it rains its news, if it snows its snows. So whenever you are about town during assignments you have to keep your eyes peeled for "found art" a.k.a. stand- alone features like this one. TECH STUFF: Shot from a low angle with a 80-200 2.8 at aperture priority set at 4.0 at speed of 1/320 and an ISO setting of 500 with a WB of cloudy.
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