Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boston Ballet's Rehearsal: Coppelia

Boston, MA 033010 Boston Balltet's Nelson Madrigal (Cq), performing a grand jete, Misa Kuranaga, and Doyko Dossev rehearse for the upcoming Coppelia production of the Boston Ballet at the ballet's headquarters in the South End on March 30, 2010. This production is filled with whimsical choreography, demanding characterizations, and comedic elements. Including the use of life-like body-part casts like this one of a ballerina's foot. (Essdras M Suarez/ Globe Staff) BEHIND THE SCENES: I love photographing ballet dancers because they have the capability of looking like a cat ready to leap even when stationary. So when they start moving it is just an amazing spectacle to watch. TECHNICAL STUFF: When photographing dancers you have to make a decision of choosing high speed shutter to freeze the movements or to drag the shutter, elongate your exposures, in order to suggest motion. In this case I needed to capture faces and the nuances of the histrionic performance; thus, I chose a high-speed shutter.

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